I am so thankful that the nausea of the first trimester seems to gone for good. It was nice having an appetite for all of the yummy Thanksgiving food. I am SLIGHTLY emotional lately. I seem to cry at the drop of a hat and for no good reason....or, I just think of as many reasons to cry as I possibly can and then I can't stop. I'm still nodding off in my dinner plate most nights. I haven't seen a whole episode of CSI Miami so long that I'm not even sure if Horatio is one of the good guys anymore.
Another crazy thing with pregnancy has been the dreams. I've been having those vivid, so real they're scary dreams. Some are just plain weird and make no sense whatsoever. I've been dreaming a lot about being at my Mema and Poppy's house lately.
Check out Brin and I and our new MAC!!!
Love this blog! Nelson and I are so excited for you and Richard.. You two will have such a blessed baby - 2 wonderful parents!!
I cant believe you guys have been married two years now! But then again I cant believe Ariana's two either! Time does fly..
Keep us posted! Are you going to find out the sex of the little one? or wait?
love ya'll
a) yay for blogs!
b) yay for macs--robert and i just bought a new one two weeks ago!
c) yay for you! exciting to read how you are and how the Lord is preparing you to be a mom!!
d) i cry all the time at a drop of a hat--and i'm not even pregnant!..ah that can't be good for when i am! :)
e) love you!
f) miss you!
I hated that stage where nothing you had would fit, but you thought you weren't big enough for maternity clothes!! i can sympathize! i say just wear whatever's comfortable-you're beautiful no matter. i'm glad the pregnancy is going well. you will be a wonderful mother!!
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