Thursday, January 1, 2009

Belly Laughs

Count your blessings 
• The penis of a rhinoceros is 2 feet long. 
• The penis of a mosquito is a hundredth of an inch long. 
• The praying mantis bites her mate's head off while he impregnates her. 
• Elephants are pregnant for two years. 
• Many animals give birth to a dozen or more babies at a time. 
• Your baby won't be born with hooves.

I got this in one of the weekly emails that I receive.  It cracked me up:)  We are 20 weeks today!  Half way there....can you believe that??  No major changes except an ever growing belly and a bigger appetite.  I am finally back to the weight I was when I got pregnant (which is fine according to my OBGYN).  Apparently, most pregnant women gain about a pound a week from here on out.  WOW.  I can't imagine how I will look in 20 more pounds/weeks.  

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