Monday, January 19, 2009

22 Weeks and Counting

A friend and neighbor from Richmond Hill has lost her precious baby.  She carried him 30 weeks.  I'm having a really hard time with this.  I think that Satan is trying to use this and many other situations to bring worry into my mind.  I'm already so in love with my baby boy that the thought of him ever being taken away is terrifying.  I know this isn't a cheerful, light hearted post, but I think it is always important to be honest and transparent.  
  I go to the doctor tomorrow for my monthly checkup and I can't wait to hear his little heart beating.  I know this isn't what I should be feeling but I feel a little anxious.  I know what God's word says about not being anxious, but I'm having a bit of a hard time with that application in my own life right now.  I'm sure everyone has times like this and every pregnant woman deals with these emotional ups and downs.  
  On a brighter note, I am feeling very good these days.  I have more energy and no nausea.  The baby is very active.  He kicks and moves all the time.  One of Richard's favorite pass times these days is talking to him with his head on my belly.  When the baby kicked him in the face last night Richard had the biggest grin on his face.  It was so sweet.  
  We registered the other day at Babies R Us.  That was fun!  It reminded me of when we were engaged and we did our wedding registry.  
  As far as luck.  We have not come across that perfect name just yet, but when we do, I think we will know instantly.  At least I hope that is the case:)  

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Belly Laughs

Count your blessings 
• The penis of a rhinoceros is 2 feet long. 
• The penis of a mosquito is a hundredth of an inch long. 
• The praying mantis bites her mate's head off while he impregnates her. 
• Elephants are pregnant for two years. 
• Many animals give birth to a dozen or more babies at a time. 
• Your baby won't be born with hooves.

I got this in one of the weekly emails that I receive.  It cracked me up:)  We are 20 weeks today!  Half way there....can you believe that??  No major changes except an ever growing belly and a bigger appetite.  I am finally back to the weight I was when I got pregnant (which is fine according to my OBGYN).  Apparently, most pregnant women gain about a pound a week from here on out.  WOW.  I can't imagine how I will look in 20 more pounds/weeks.  

Happy New Year!

We will have a son in 2009.  It's going to be an amazing year.

Last night Richard and I went to visit some of our best friends in Springfield to celebrate the new year and the guys birthdays.  Richard turns 30 on Jan 5th and Shane's birthday is Jan 6th so we always try and celebrate together.  It usually includes going to the Hockey Classic at the Savannah Civic Center.  FUN!  We had a very relaxing enjoyable night but a few things are worth mentioning:)
  • I almost cut my finger birdie finger off with Shane and Jessie's new Chef knife.  I was trying to cut an onion and my clumsy, pregnant self slipped and gave myself a nice deep cut.  I tried to milk this injury for all it was worth.  
  • Richard brought two movies from the Movie Gallery...both were guy movies.  I really didn't mind either.  I can appreciate a little violence myself.  We popped the first one in and turned it off due to the GRAPHIC nudity.  It was aweful.  So, don't take the kids to see The Bank Job with Jason Statham.  Not only was it immoral, it was looked to be the quality of a Mexican soap opera.  I like Statham in the Transporter, but this was ridiculous.  
  • We watched the traitor with one of my favorite actors, Don Cheadle.  This movie was excellent.  I recommend it... it was intense and smart.  It kept you guessing up until the very end.
  • For dessert, we had a cheesecake sampler.  I chose to try the chocolate cheesecake.  It was delicious and Little Baby Doty was doing cartwheels for an hour, so I guess he liked it too:)
  • If you know me very well, you know I have a thing about fireworks.  I tried to talk my loving husband into going to River St to see the fireworks.  I even tried to tell him that that what his SON wanted.  Oh yes, I was laying it on thick.  He was not going to be talked into "driving with all the drunks downtown".  But, he redeemed himself by taking me out to the nature reserve right past the Hoolihan Bridge and we saw the fireworks from the warmth and safety of our Honda Accord all by ourselves.  It was pretty special.  
  • I was proud to be a Bulldawg fan today and enjoyed watching them beat Michigan State!
  • We had the traditional black eyed peas, greens, etc for lunch today.  I think I'm about to take a nap and sleep off that yummy food!